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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/VinceRBC on 2023-08-17 20:09:45.

Recently decided to ditch my Jetboil and get a Toaks Titanium Pot and Soto Windmaster stove, which is great, however I’ve noticed on the pot the handles get waaay too hot. I can’t handle the pot while it’s on the stove or for a few mins after. Just boiling water this isn’t too big a deal but I also like to cook pasta and noodles which will be even harder as it’ll be even hotter from being on the stove for longer.

I’ve seen online people have put silicone on the handles to stop this which looks good but I can’t see what diameter tubing I’d want for the toaks pot and I dont want to have to order a load at once to find out. Can anyone tell me what diameter tubing I’d need if anyone happens to have a toaks pot and done the same. (mm if possible, UK person here)

Alternatively I’d potentially be looking at replacing the toaks pot for a Soto New River pot or Soto Thermostack cook set (both only slightly heavier but mitigate my hot handle issue)

If anyone has either of these, are they good? or can anyone recommend a different solution / pot?


TL:DR; Toaks Ti Pot too hot handles, how to fix / what to replace with ?