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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ThrowRAnewshades on 2023-09-16 15:32:55.

Our daughter is 16 and at 5’1, she’s 213 pounds. We know we messed up by overindulging her for years and giving in for years, but, we decided to right our wrongs and 2 weeks ago, we sat down with our daughter and discussed her weight. By the end of our conversation, we were all going on a diet as a family. It was great, she was motivated and it felt good.

On Thursday, my wife was cleaning my daughters room and found cookies and chips in a dresser. When we asked her about it, my daughter admitted she bought that stuff on the way home from school.

My wife was livid and began telling my daughter that she can afford to be eating junk, that she’s nearly ’ tipping the scales at 220lb’. My daughter said she got it. My wife kept going, asking if my daughter wanted to get so big that she walked with a waddle and wouldnt be able to fit through doorways. I told my wife to calm down. My wife snapped at me and asked my daughter ‘if she’s ready to get stuck in a desk at school’.

I stepped in and told my daughter to forget all the hysterics coming from her mom and just told her to come to us next time she had these cravings. She said she would.

My wife. about an hour later, said I’d undermined her by calling what she was saying ’ hysterics’. She argued that everything that she said could happen if our daughter kept sneaking food. She said it was an AH move for me to not present a united front with her.


  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    About 90% of the people I’ve met with zero sense of proportionality are women. Some people just lack any sense at all of how much effect they’re having, and they’ll just keep driving and driving with some tirade and destroying the relationship.

    Good on you for supporting your daughter against that fusillade.