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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Any_Style8165 on 2023-09-26 20:42:17.

On my phone sorry for errors I typed this fast

This is ridiculous. I will keep it short. My son wants to get a thank you when he does was he is suppose too. Like if he put the dishes away and he came up and told me. I said okay and he told me I should show some gradatude for doing it. He keeps doing it, he makes his bed, takes his laundry downstairs all of it. Turning in his homework. Doing his chores that I pay him for. We got into a huge argument about it and he thinks I am an ass.

My husband also got into an argument about it and he thinks showing appreciation is good and it would be nice for a thank you when he takes out the trash. I blew up and listed everything I do where I get zero thanks and I don’t expect it since it’s literally needs to get done. they aren’t talking to me

I came here to see if I am crazy.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago


    He doesn’t want lauding, he wants a basic recognition of his work - the same as you. You literally blew up at them for not doing this to you and now you refuse to do it because…???

    Your husband is a different kettle of fish, but as a parent you should be teaching your son that yes, it’s nice to have appreciation for tasks. Now throw it your mum’s way as well.