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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/DragonTeen21 on 2023-10-03 17:52:19.

my brother 34M asked me 19m to watch his son 4mo for a day and I agreed both of us knowing I’d have to skip class for this. For context I’m currently going to trade school and the way class works at my school is that every class is 3 weeks and you only have one class at a time you get 2 absences per course and on the 3rd absence you instantly fail and in order to graduate you have to pass all the courses which means retaking any courses you pay which means you have to pay to retake the course which costs $1,600. The issue emerges when my brother didn’t come to pick up my nephew that night so I called my brother and his wife multiple times but neither answered so I gave up and set up the living room so that I could sleep near my nephew and I would try again in the morning but next day came and same thing I called and called but no response again so I had to skip class again and once again bight comes and I spend the night watching my nephew now we’re on the third day and I’m pissed because if I miss this day I’ll have to retake the class at this point I’m blowing up his phone and suddenly my calls and texts stop going through so I start panicking and I resort to having to strap my nephew in his car seat and driving over to my brothers mother in law’s house and beg her to watch him for a couple hours so I can go to class to which she agrees and I go to class. Where I may be the asshole is my brothers mother in law is on the tail end of recovering from surgery she’s able to move around now but still can’t do any heavy lifting which when I asked her I apologized profusely for having to resort to asking her when my brother found out from her that I had left my nephew with his mother in law he blew up my phone calling me angry because I left a baby with an elderly woman still recovering from surgery and I bite back that I had only agreed to watch my nephew because he said it would just be for around 13 hours and I wouldn’t have had to resort to that if he hadn’t blocked me and I know that if I had skipped class again he wouldn’t be willing to even help me pay for the course retake and I can’t afford $1600 on my minimum wage pay to which he just hung up and blocked me again and now he’s complaining that our parents and sister are taking my side and for those wondering what happened that he had to extend how long I had to watch my nephew, he and his wife decided to turn their date into a road trip to Disney world 4 states away, so reddit here I am asking y’all aita