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The original was posted on /r/ElectricScooters by /u/HappyReference on 2023-10-03 18:52:13.

After completing my Vsett 10+ build with basically everything upgraded, I still regularly come back to my MAX G30 for commuting and daily use. Having owned a Mantis 10 for 2500km, and some other scooters, I think I honestly prefer smaller, lighter scooters like the MAX, Xiaomi Pro, etc.

With something as big as the Vsett 10+, you basically need to treat it as a small motorcycle in terms of driving, which is difficult here, especially since you shouldn’t be faster than 25km/h. With a smaller scooter I don’t necessarily look out of place on a bikepath for example, and with a 40km/h top speed (SH firmware) it still is about as fast as you can go in the city. It also “looks” like a normal scooter to anyone not in the know. Even non-scooter people recognize the Vsett as a “fast/lillegal scooter”.

Of course, for longer trips (10km+), I prefer the Vsett, especially because of the wider tires, suspension, and higher speed/power. But even if, that’s a hobby/weekend thing.

A scooter the size of the G30 with the Vsett’s performance and suspension would be an ideal setup I think. Small, light, and still fast. Something like this, but less overkill.

What do you think? Anyone else had both kinds and wants to share their experience?