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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/lovsmeg on 2023-10-04 00:45:00.

So my professor assigned us in groups of two and I was paired with this girl. This group naming thing was for cleanup, whoever is assigned to clean a classroom at the end of class.

I decided on naming our group “wasian” for white and asian. I thought it was clever and simple. We both were coming up with different names and ultimately ended up with this one. I then hear from our next class that she (professor) is having a “mental breakdown” and commenting on it publicly. I was receiving texts in my class groupchat about how she was upset and that we might be in trouble and have to change the name.

I am now uncomfortable that she spoke to the entire second class about it when she could have talked to me and my group privately and asked us to change the name. She is a very kind professor but I am upset and feel like I’m being punished and humiliated for something that is not even remotely considered racist. I felt like defending and over-explaining myself for a biracial term. Should I take it up with the dean or speak to her personally first, or was I an AH for that name?

Also, I wanted to clarify that she never spoke to me or my partner but talked about it with another class of students that I am not in. They told me she brought it up out of nowhere. My entire class was okay with it considering I am the only person of color along with another guy. I have apologized to my partner and told her I would speak to my professor and clear up any misunderstandings behind the situation. We both agreed that it was nice name and I asked her if she wanted to change it. I genuinely meant no harm or ill intentions behind the group name, and I do realize it was inappropriate for the setting. I will gladly change the name, I am just uncomfortable that I was made aware of the situation from another party.

Also for everyone asking, I wanted to clarify that I am asian. My partner is white. My professor is also white. I also wanted to say that we had been choosing different funny or light-hearted names, this name happened to pop up in my head and I mentioned it as a joke, but she had also liked it and we both went through with it.