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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/karma-chameleon0-0 on 2023-10-03 22:15:10.

Throwaway account for obvious reasons, but basically my partner and I were getting freaky last night and the next thing you know he’s talking dirty to me and I’m fingering myself. For some dumb reason, I put my fingers in his face and ask if he wants a taste. He then tells me something like “not tonight”, and we move on. I go home thinking nothing of it. But then, the next morning, I get a text from him saying that he thinks I have an infection because apparently my vagina smells “really strong” in a way that “isn’t just metallic.” For context, I’m a virgin and the only other sexual activity I’ve engaged in is masturbation (which I haven’t done for months prior to this encounter). My vagina feels normal, and I haven’t had any strange discharge or anything. I also showered beforehand, so I doubt it’s a hygiene thing. My initial thought was that it could’ve been the garlic parmesan wings I had for dinner that night. I’ve heard that cranberry juice makes you smell better, so perhaps chicken wings have the opposite effect? Also, would my menstrual cycle have anything to do with a bad smell? My period ended less than a week ago, and I’m worried that might be making me stink too. We were also in a car on a warm night, so sweat is probably a factor here as well. And, worse case scenario, are there any infections that someone in my position could have that would cause this? Could one of my other holes be infected, which would make it seem like my vagina smells? I’ve been on the verge of tears all day so any help would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

EDIT: Thank you guys for all your support and advice! Just to clarify, no he has not smelled my vagina before. This was our first time doing anything like this. Also, I talked to him today and he just said that it smelled really strong. I asked if it smelled fishy, and he said he didn’t know (which I assume to be a no).