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The original was posted on /r/unraid by /u/MarkPugnerIII on 2023-10-03 20:08:21.

TLDR: I think 6.12 is not properly handling OOM errors, causing hard locks

I’ve had zero luck with 6.12. It always would just hang up and require a hard reboot. Then I’d downgrade back to 6.11.5 and wait for the next 6.12.x and try again, same result. The longest I’d make it is maybe an hour or two before it would lock up

I also have been having issues with OOM errors on 6.11.5 that I could never fix. I finally figured out it was the Unassigned Devices plugin causing that. I removed and reinstalled that and the OOM went away in 6.11.5. After a day of no OOM errors (I always got them within 30 minutes of a reboot and then occasionally after that) I decided to try 6.12.4 again.

I’ve been up and running with no issues or lockups on 6.12.4 for a few hours now. That’s the longest I’ve got on 6.12 with no lockups.

It seems like the lockups on 6.12 occurred about the same times the OOM errors occurred in 6.11.5. Fixing the OOM errors I had in 6.11.5 seems to have fixed the lockups in 6.12.

If I can make it a day without 6.12 king up, I’ll consider that the likely fix. It could be the cause of other people’s issues with 6.12 locking up on them too.