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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/stinky-boys on 2023-10-04 03:26:27.

I was having sex with my gf and came quick but kept going for a minute or two because she was enjoying it. When I pulled out there was cum on the base of my dick and on/in her vagina. We both didn’t know if this was mine or hers and assumed it was hers. There was still semen at the tip of the condom in the reservoir and didn’t appear to be much going down the sides. There was some in the ring part at the base of the condom but we assumed it was her. She is usually very cummy and she is convinced that it was all her and not me but I’m worried about it. I’ve seen online that even if some leaked out it’s not enough to get pregnant as usually the force of ejaculating pushes the semen into the cervix. Idrk why I’m posting because there isn’t really any advice but I wanted to see. This is my first time continuing at all after cumming and I’m pretty paranoid because she is not on BC