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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/Great-Text6600 on 2023-10-04 11:29:30.

The area has 98 homes. Average square footage is 5500. It could be argued that a hefty assessment is affordable if it’s $1.6 million for the project divided equally by 98 properties. They promise to reduce my bill by $250,000 in 20 years? I’ll be dead by then so not a compelling argument.

Yes, prices continue to rise with LADWP but is going rogue the best option?

Concerns about assessment are secondary, potential savings tertiary, and primary focus is what happens when this goes South? When they install a bad meter, I don’t have the same channels for grievances as I do at LADWP.

I’m not clear on the upside of an HOW water well without measurable findings from authenticated studies, but the down side of going rogue seem self-evident and many.

Does anyone have experience here? Questions I should ask at Sunday’s Board meeting? I’d appreciate whatever insight experience has taught you.

Thank you in advance for any advice…