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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/One-Trouble-303 on 2023-10-04 14:59:51.
Hi everyone,
So one of the very active moderators of r/Armenia has accidentally given away his identity in several posts. He works for the Armenian Government and is a vocal supporter of Pashinyan and his policy of getting close to Turkey (he is probably from the Liparityan camp). This means that r/Armenia has essentially become an Armenian Government propaganda platform. Many users are not aware of this fact and think of r/Armenia as a neutral platform where they can get their daily information. My question is, is there something one can do about this? I consider this a huge problem with Reddit’s ‘anonymity’, where government officials can disguise themselves as honest actors and push a specific agenda. Obviously this applies to Reddit as a whole, which has become a propaganda platform for the United States (there is a very good article about how certain American officials are now employed in high, decision-making positions in Reddit).