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The original was posted on /r/asoneafterinfidelity by /u/Such-Living6876 on 2023-10-04 21:58:04.

I lost. In the end i couldnt save my marriage. Im not sure what happened, and i still don’t know if what he did was cheating. Im so lost. Ive lost my family dynamic and my kids 50% of the time.

He asked for a divorce because we cant go back and cant seem to move forward.

This man, over a 9year period of the relationship has sexually explicitly messaged another woman, been fired for sexual harassment (sending a porn image of an erect penis to a female coworker, sexual jokes and comments), tried to set up a dating profile, messaged an ex flirting, messaged 2other women late at night to chat (possibly nothing), watchs porn/cam girls and smoked pot throughout the relationship. Yes he works.

Im not sure I tried hard enough. I dont think i did. I should have just let it all go. Ive failed.