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The original was posted on /r/ElectricScooters by /u/Michaelblanck on 2023-10-04 18:00:15.

When I first got my scooter I took off the handlebars and put an Apple Air Tag in the body and then reattached the handle bars. That way if somebody stole it I can track them.

Flash forward 6 months: I was in a bar and when I walked out my scooter had been gone! Somebody cut the built in lock. So I go on my iPhone and I track this guy and eventually catch up to him outside of a 24 hour grocery store. I reclaim my scooter and insult him for stealing it and it was the best feeling ever.

Everyone talks about spending more money on locks and what not, but I say put a tracker on your scooter! It’s worth it just for the peace of mind.