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The original was posted on /r/detrans by /u/orbmad1 on 2023-10-04 22:05:51.

So to clarify, I am a FTM a decade on testosterone. I hang around this sub because I have negative feelings re my transition and the community and end up questioning it, but Im not actively detransistioning right now - I haven’t decided.

Anyhow, I experience really bad cramps in my abdominal area. I read that transgender men experience this because the uterus is because atrophied, there’s some peer reviewed articles. Its one of the reasons I wanted to get hysto.

Last week, I had a phone call with my gender clinics doctor and he said that he has ‘never heard’ of any transmen, out of his 500 patients, who feel this way. He said my pain sounded like endometriosis and it was a GP issue. He then wrote to my GP and said, and I quote,

“he was considering stopping his testosterone therapy because of his lower abdominal pain. I have explained to him that while the testosterone can cause endometrial thinning I can see no obvious reason this would cause pain and hence I think that it is more likely that his pain is co-incidentally rather than causally related to his testosterone. His pain is lower abdominal, central, and exacerbated by orgasm although present at other times. He has no bowel or bladder symptoms or dyspareunia. I would suggest that he be investigated in the manner a cis female of his age would be”

This is ridiculous. I am a female, who takes testosterone injections, so to say that I should be treated like the average female of my age is ignoring a very important factor, namely that I have been taking testosterone since I was age fourteen, and I am now 23 years of age. Can we believe my uterus is in the same state as a 23-year-old woman?

I wrote a pretty angry email, and he’s going to call me Tuesday. Does anybody have any advice? This has to be wrong, right? This cannot be medically sound research