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The original was posted on /r/ukpersonalfinance by /u/Historical_Taro2869 on 2023-10-05 00:10:57.

Council house, left school with very little qualifications, climbed my way ip to become a software engineer in my mid-30s and now I have £100,000 of tax-free compensation from the government for things which happened in my childhood which actually caused the lack of qualifications and poverty in the first place.

Anyway, now that the pithy backstory is out the way, here are the deets:

Rent: £500 pcm (social housing from when I first stopped being homeless)

Debt: zero (literally zero. No mortgage, no car loan, none of it)

Total annual income: £50k

Partners salary: £23k

LISA: £5000

I learned to budget pretty well from being in poverty for so long, but I’ve no idea what to do with this kind of money and I’d like some ideas pls. Maybe I can combine it with my software skills with the cash or something. Maybe use it as a massive deposit to be a landlord.

Obviously, I’d like to use it in a really smart way to make me independently wealthy and never worry about losing my job or going on holiday ever again but I’d settle for turning it into a modest, safe second income to fall back on next time I inevitably have a mental breakdown caused by the aforementioned traumatic events for which I receive this compensation.

Frankly I’ve had a miserable life until about a year ago so I’d also like to just blow £10k on holidays, a MacBook and a new TV but I could easily be swayed on that as I am also of a financially nervous disposition.

Ideas below please and thank you.