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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/halli_urhallaogladda on 2023-10-05 12:19:21.

I, (21f) went to a music festival with my 2 friends, (both 24f). Around late august.

Me and one friend, lets call her Anna are both in relationships while my other friend, lets call her Stina, is not. Stina likes to sleep around wich I don’t have a problem with, what she does with her body is none of my business, but her constant need for male attention can get annoying sometimes. She is known by our friendgroup for running off with some guy, causing everyone to panic, and then crying about us “leaving her” and putting her in a dangerous situation. When there is a group of guys around her personality changes drastically and she starts talking the other girls in the group down to seem more appealing, she constantly flirts with guys in relationships, etc. Some people would describe her as a bit of a “pick me girl”

So now you have the context of how Stina is. Lets get to the story.

We’d all been having a great time partying at the festival, it was around 3am and me and Anna wanted to get back to our tent and call it a night, Stina did not. There was no convincing her to come with us and she had ran into a group of people she knew from her hometown and seemed to be having a good time with them, so we let her know we were leaving and told her to call if there was anything.

At around 6 am i wake up to laughing, kissing and a lot of movement. I dont feel like making a fuss so i pretend to be asleep untill the guy falls on my back, i lose it and yell at them to get out of the tent and go fuck in the car. The guy gets apologetic, Stina just laughs at me and tells me to chill, they werent doing anything, just waiting for a taxi so they could go to his place wich was semi nearby. There was not gonna be a taxi at this time, in this side of the country, (iceland) during such a big festival for probably 4 hours. I got even angrier and tell them that i dont want this random man in our shared tent, it was far from safe, and if they or him didnt get the fuck out i would call the campsite security. They both got out and i went back to sleep cause i was drunk and had been awake for almost 24 hours. Anna somehow slept through the whole thing, probably since she was really drunk as well.

The next day there was no sight of Stina. We call her and she says she will get herself back to the city so me and Anna packed all her stuff for her and drove home.

Now more than a month later Stina is still mad at me because I kicked her out of the tent and put her in danger. I never said she had to get out of the tent, i just wanted the man out. My friends say I overreacted because they weren’t having sex or anything.


Edit: i realized that from the way i describe her in the post it seems like i overall dislike her, wich i don’t. Aside from this quirk of hers she is a very sweet person and i really dont want to lose our friendship over this