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The original was posted on /r/lasercutting by /u/LhMenelaus on 2023-07-05 22:56:59+00:00.

I have a FurtherLaser Y400 that I’ve been putting together that is just about done. I have 3 additional power supplies aside from the main CO2 laser supply, 5v, 12v10amp, 24v20amp.

My issue that I’m having is that when I fire the laser, the 12v supply cuts out and starts back up. I was previously using a salvaged 12v power supply that had a 1.5 and a 3amp output that did the same thing. I have all the power supplies connected to a common earth and tried replacing the power supply incase it was too close to capacity. Frame is fully earthed. I can’t really think of anything else I can try, so any suggestions are welcome.

The 5v is for the laser in the beam combiner as well as logic high for a relay to control my exhaust with a switch on my panel.

The 12v powers my cooling system: a DDC pump from a PC water cooling loop and a 360mm radiator with 3 120mm fans on it.

The 24v powers a cohesion3d laserboard (may split this off for cleaner supply, but we’ll see), 2 led strips, and 2 external stepper drivers.

Here is a crude (sorry) wiring diagram of how everything power related is connected.

Any thoughts on where the rabbit hole leads would be much appreciated.