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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/AdImmediate2519 on 2023-10-05 20:30:55.

I share custody of my 11yo son Jimmy with my ex. My ex recently remarried a few years and I told her that she was making a mistake because her new husband, Tim, and Jimmy would not get along and wait until Jimmy is older to marry him.

As expected, Jimmy and Tim are clashing hard mostly because Tim is trying to be an authoritarian figure and crossing boundaries. I’ve tried to mediate and made sure Jimmy isn’t playing both sides against the middle. He’s not.

Things got so bad that Jimmy refused to go back to his mom’s and I said I wasn’t going to force him to go back either. His mom threatened to call the sheriff and I told her to go for it. They showed up and spoke to Jimmy and me.

They went back to Jimmy’s mom and said they weren’t going to force Jimmy to go back to her house. They said take it up with the court. Before she could do that, we got a visit from CPS. I guess the sheriff notified them. After interviewing everyone, they got a court order saying Tim can’t live in the same house as Jimmy.

I had to talk to my ex and couldn’t help but to laugh at her. I told her that she tried playing the system and it backfired. I didn’t even have to lift a finger because she did all the work. Jimmy hasn’t spent a night at his mom’s in two months. He just visits her somewhere outside her house on the weekend for a couple of hours.

Jimmy is doing just fine living with me, his stepmom and my other two sons. He’s not playing me. I’ve disciplined and grounded him since he’s started living with me full time. I know my ex and Tim are fighting like cats and dogs and she called me an asshole for making her choose between her husband and son.