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The original was posted on /r/dating_advice by /u/duckeatsbird on 2023-10-06 00:26:57.

I (20F) met this guy (23M) on tinder a week ago, he’s very awkward and dorky - but super sweet (writes out my likes and dislikes on his notes app to remember) and he’s (in his own words) very inexperienced with dating. From what I know he’s only dated one person, and hasn’t done really anything sexually. We went out on Sunday, he brought me flowers and we got dinner, went to the arcade, and got dessert. He was super nervous during this but I still had a good time. We facetime basically everynight for several hours after going out Sunday, he also messages me all day. We went out yesterday and at the end of the date he asked me to be his girlfriend, which I think is wayyyyy too fast - how could you want to be exclusive with someone after less than a week of talking? I told him that I want to see where things go first and that we should give it some time - we haven’t even kissed yet. He’s told his friends about me, updating them on everything that happens. Again, I think he’s really sweet, but I’m just put-off by how fast he wants this to go, I think I still need time to get to know him and I feel super pressured to keep going to see him now despite me not being as interested in him as he is with me.