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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/Super-Performer7518 on 2023-10-05 21:27:59.

So this is mortifying. I’ve talked about this with a few close friends but they were exceedingly unhelpful. I’d rather die than talk about it with literally anyone else so I come to the sweet anonymity of the internet for advice.

I possess a vagina. And I have sex with people equipped with penises. Unfortunately, anytime anything is inserted into my aforementioned vagina I feel like I’m about to poop. Doesn’t matter the size of the penis, doesn’t matter the tempo, rhythm and it happens in most positions. With fingers too.

I’ve tried going to the bathroom before hand and still felt that way. And then when I go to the bathroom afterwards it magically stops. The only time it’s bearable is when I’m not top.

Obviously, this impacts my ability to be in the moment and relax since it’s a very a uncomfortable feeling in general and I hold just in case.

I thought maybe it was related to the fact that sex just in general is painful. Like it it feels like they’re hitting my cervix with every thrust (weirdly enough being on top is the only time it didn’t hurt). Not in a “it hurts so good” kind of way in a “fuck just finish so I can be done” sort of way.

I thought I had a weird shaped pelvis or something so I went to the gynecologist but was told that everything was normal and that the pain probably comes from lack of lubrication. (I mean, obviously, you try getting turned on when you’re about to shit yourself).

So then I tried lube and that made the pain go away (still not pleasurable it just didn’t hurt anymore). But the feeling of impending poo was ever present.

I don’t know what to do. Anyone go through something like this? Advice? Or am I alone in this.