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The original was posted on /r/dating_advice by /u/Pitiful_Sentence_148 on 2023-10-05 21:56:47.

There was a guy I was seeing a while ago who I really liked, we hadn’t ever slept together, just hung out a few times. One night we were drinking and talking and got onto the topic of amber heard and johnny depp as it was current at the time. I explained that i sympathised with amber as in the past, I had been raped and therefore felt a sense of empathy towards her as a woman etc. didn’t go into much detail at all, if any, but that night when we went to bed he didn’t seem to want to sleep with me despite indicating he had earlier. The next day I left and we didn’t talk again. Last week I ran into him and we ended up having a catch up, I mentioned briefly that I hadn’t heard from him again, to which he explained that he’d felt put off after what I told him about being assaulted. He said he would feel bad sleeping with me, as I was probably quite vulnerable in that department I sort of hated myself for ever having brought it up then, as I really liked him, but I didn’t think it would have been enough of an issue for him to not want to continue things? I literally said it without thinking anything of it. Even though it’s a traumatic experience, I don’t let it affect me and it wasn’t as if I started crying whilst telling the story or something (which again, I didn’t even tell as I mentioned it so briefly) I’m just wondering if this seems like a legitimate reason for him to have stopped talking to me, or do you think he just lost interest and is blaming it on that instead?