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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/EricaCroft on 2023-10-06 15:47:19.

So, my friends married during covid and finally this month they will go on their honeymoon. They will visit multiple countries, including mine. We met about 3-4 years ago online, we talked and seen each other through web some times and now, it is finally time to meet in person! As they will be staying in my country for a couple of weeks, I offered them my house, so we could spend more time together.

However, only a few weeks before their arrival, they say that in order to enter my country I need to sign a responsibility statement for Foreign Nationals and Borders Service, in which I inform my home address, the days they are staying and I confirm that I am responsible for them and I have to cover the costs monetarily if something goes wrong during their stay.

I was alarmed and not sure if I wanted to take that responsibility. And why, you might ask, aren’t they your friends after all? Well, in theory, yes. But do I REALLY know them? We met online, and there are so many scams nowadays that I don’t want to get burn for being naive and nice.

Furthermore, there were a few red flags (or some situations that I could be misinterpreting now as I am not very happy with what they are requesting of me). Not long ago, they mentioned that they wanted to have another citizenship (of my country or another). Then, regarding this trip, they asked for my home address a few times… First, in order to have a phone card that works here, then to order something from Amazon… (Why send it to my house, in a foreign country? Besides, it’s a rly common and cheap object). It is easy to falsify that responsibility statement, they could just fill the information needed and fake my signature. They posture overall was kinda taking me for granted and way too comfortable.

I might be overthinking here…!

Anyway, I was clear with them and told them I was not feeling comfortable on signing that document as it is a huge responsibility. I will gladly open my house to them, but I don’t want any problems with the law.

Of course, they got upset by this, saying that I am kinda ruining their honeymoon as without that document they can’t enter my country and I should not live my life in fear and blablabla… I get that they are mad, I get it. I would be too. But, at the same time, I don’t want to take that risk. Also, their attitude was not the best, first they only advised me about that document only two weeks before their arrival and they kinda started to throw rocks instead of trying to reason me and reassuring me I have nothing to worry about.

The reason I am posting this here is to see another points of view, as mine could be biased. What do you think? AITA?

PS: In the meantime, they found another friend (just within a few hours :o ) and they will stay with him and he will sign that responsibility statement. Also, they added something like it will be even better than staying with me…

TLDR: Friends are asking to sign a responsibility statement for them and I don’t want to.