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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/jaemoon7 on 2023-10-06 15:29:45.

President Biden has recently said he had to reluctantly use Trump-appropriated funds to allow for construction of 20 miles of border wall.

According to the AP, he had to waive federal laws to do so. But he’s also said he had no choice, the money was already appropriated and the law requires funding to be used as approved and the construction to be finished in 2023.

As someone who is not at all familiar with Federal law… why wasn’t it an option to re-appropriate the funds for something else? Like I get that he didn’t want to go against the laws… but it sounds like he had to waive 26 federal laws to build to wall anyways. So why not go against federal laws to not build the wall, given that’s the course he would rather take?