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The original was posted on /r/outerwilds by /u/rampageT0asterr on 2023-10-06 15:00:17.

I just finished this game and, wow. I am literally speechless

Thanks in advance to all the anons on the internet who told me to suck it and progress in the game by myself, only hint I ever recieved was a surface picture of Giant’s deep lol

Finished after 50 hours, sometimes made me want to smash my monitor, sometimes made me fall asleep. Angler fish gave me nightmares, but it was all worth it in the end

This is a “One-of-kind” game in my book now, one of my all time favourites

It was surreal discovering big and small things alike, joining pieces to form the bigger picture. Making sense of things where it won’t. Most obvious to the most hidden ones. Right in my home to a mysterious space-warping seed.

I was always in for a surprise. Everytime I discovered something new it always gave me the same feeling I had in the game’s observatory museum for the first time. I thought this was a one-or-done game because the first time I died by falling in the waterfall (don’t ask why) it was game over. Boy, if I knew better. Literally questioned existence when I learned about the Ash-twin project. And the ending? wow. Just wow, can’t even describe how I felt.

Hats off to the developers, I can’t imagine the love and effort put in this game

And even after all that there are mysteries left to be answered. The quantum moon when it was on the “sixth place”, Other doors of the sunless city, Other “places” in brittle hollow, other seeds on Dark ramble that aren’t anglerfish (they are terrifying), What do the Nomai statue’s in Ash-twin’s core do. Well, they are for another time I guess

TL;DR: I love the game. Thanks to internet anons for not spoiling. I love the mysteries in this game and discovering them. Gratitude and appreciation to the developers