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The original was posted on /r/dating_advice by /u/3gregious1 on 2023-10-06 14:01:05.

I go to university with this girl, she was on my corridor and I had a massive crush on her from day one. We spent a year together where we played games/watched films every night, she even asked me to be her date to a dance. I held her hand and linked arms with her, but for some stupid reason I still thought we were only platonic (I have a really hard time reading body language and stuff). She also went out of her way to touch me - arms around my neck, head on my shoulder - but I still thought it was platonic.

A year passed like this and she finally spoke to me frankly and said ‘I’m romantically interested in you, are you interested in me? If so, hurry up because I have other people asking me out’ haha. I really appreciated that and for the last week since she said that, I’ve been putting my arm around her and trying to cuddle (it’s a little awkward but I’m working on it). Yet, now it feels like she doesn’t want it? I feel like she leans away from me or isn’t interested, yet yesterday she made a joke about our sexual tension?

I’m extremely confused and I wonder if anyone has advice on this. Do you think she lost interest in me this week? Or am I just misinterpreting? Should I go further and try to kiss her?