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The original was posted on /r/amithecloaca by /u/lawlifelgbt on 2023-10-06 18:51:02.

Hi all! I am the majestic void, Juneau (6M). Live with my sister Tralee, an old cat, and a young cat.

My life’s dream is to be a hairstylist. I was actually born in the house I live in now, so moms tell me I have always wanted this since I was a tiny kitten! But, lacking tools and thumbs, I am forced to use my tongue and paws to style everyone’s hair. Cats, humans, guests, you name it. I particularly enjoy medium to long styles, so I can catch and re-style any ponytails or braids.

Mostly, the other household members bear this reasonably well. But sometimes, at night in bed or during particularly long style sessions, the humans rudely say “stop it, Juneau,” “ow!” “that’s enough,” “you’re a boy, find something else to do,” or “just let me sleep, damn it!” Then they capriciously toss me out of the bedroom or move me away from them! I scream and protest at this blockade of my career dreams and at this gender-normative view of occupations for boys.

The human moms have bought more toys for the household and encourage me to find something else to do, but I refuse to be held back in my dream.

Am I the cloaca?