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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/Mean-Objective5907 on 2023-10-06 23:39:04.

I’m 19, I started a new job recently. I work at a wearhouse now. I really haven’t been in the working world long, probably only for 2 months. Before I was at the warehouse, I was at a nursing home in dietary aid doing dishes and only worked there for a month and left for the other job. But my coworker training me, our desk are on two different walls and we sit back to back. There’s usually not much to do, and I get on my phone and start doing whatever. She’s gotten onto me about being on my phone. One time she turned around to see what I was doing and I was on my phone and she said “okay, you are on your phone WAY too much! We’re here to work and get paid for it, not here to be playing on our phones! When you look over at me do you see me messing around on my phone?”