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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Quick-Nail-9370 on 2023-10-07 01:10:57.

My husband(25F) and me(24F) live in California. We do not live near a beach so the only time we go to one is when we visit my parents. We are spending the weekend at there house and go to there house in the morning today. We went to the beach in the afternoon. I was wearing a Normal bikini underneath my husband’s workout shorts from when was a reserve marine and a t shirt. We’re from Colombia and my parents are strict and my husband is ameican but still prefers I would cover up a little bit. He thought i was covered fine, but my parents said I looked too much like a prostitute. They wanted me to wear longer pants. I said because we were already at the beach is was to much work to change. They asked my husband if he was fine with it and he said he was very okay with it. They were still mad and told us to set our things separately from them. When we went home, they went through my clothing to make sure it was appropriate. We are going back tomorrow and asked me to wear longer pants. Am I an ass for wearing these clothes.?