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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/mcalibri on 2023-10-07 01:16:25.

I’m skimming the 10/05/23 Bernard Zambonin article where it attempts to outline GME’s current ownership structure as:

Institutional sell-out funds (Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street Corp): 27.6%

RC Ventures LLC: 12.1%

Retail: 60%

and I’m left wondering how and what circumstances prompts Institutions to start bleeding out GME instead of lending them to short or whatever they do?

If anyone could speculate I’d appreciate it because I don’t have Paul Atreides Golden Path insight into mechanisms outside of voluntary sales to wrest shares from them. And I believe GME is in some of those Institutions’ ETFs (market rigging tools) as per various stipulations.

Responses appreciated. I look forward to the day it says either 80% Retail, 20% RC and Insiders or something close.

Have a great weekend!