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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/violetroses22 on 2023-10-07 10:55:05.

I’m freshly out of a long-term relationship and got asked out to a coffee date by a guy that I met in person on my campus. We were talking on Instagram and things were going fine and we were organising the date. He then made a joke about how women don’t think.

Now, if it was one of my close male friends making this joke, I probably wouldn’t of minded it so much. But it’s just a major ick that he’s made such a joke when he barley knows me. I haven’t responded to the message and I don’t know what to do.

It’s probably best not to meet them. It just sucks that it’s been the first time in a while I was approached by a guy and he turned out to be a douchebag 🫠