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The original was posted on /r/fuckhoa by /u/Sinister00 on 2023-10-07 04:27:04.

We keep two puppies in our empty garage so they have space to run and make a mess. We also have my grandma living with us temporarily while her new house gets built and she’s allergic to dogs. We noticed it gets really hot and stuffy in there so we bought a plug-in AC unit, removed a glass panel from the garage door and put the exhaust there. I figured a $500 purchase is good enough to keep the dogs cool for the next few month.

A neighbor complained and HOA is demanding that we remove the exhaust. Wtf?? I have two puppies in there and I can’t bring them inside. I live in Houston where it gets really humid. The exhaust isn’t even noticeable since the garage doesn’t face the street.

Our other neighbor warned us that HOA can forcibly remove the exhaust if we don’t do anything about it. I’ll raise hell if they do because I don’t need insects going in the garage and biting my dogs. I’m not going to put my dog’s well-being on the line so now I have to get a separate external AC unit and spend probably $1000+.