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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/RandallFroggs on 2023-10-07 05:25:12.

This story happened a couple of months ago but I still think about it, and want it off my chest. I was introduced to this guy through a school friend and we instantly hit it off. I am not pretty so I don’t get any guys who approach me and I love the fact that we just kinda clicked. We ended up trading socials and had really fun conversations over insta. He was a bit immature over texts, kept making that’s what she said jokes, but it wasn’t too much like the jokes didn’t go overboard.

Anyways we ended up going on a date and it was pretty different from the first time we met. I felt like I was carrying the conversation, I was just asking him question and he was giving me one word answers. I try to leave cause it’s getting awkward but he asks if we can go on a walk. Me being a wet blanket and to avoid any awkwardness says yes.

This all happened last February when there was still snow on the ground. That’s important because at some point we were near a snow bank and he tried to push me into it. I try to balance and awkwardly laugh cause what else am I supposed to do. He does this multiple times then escalated to throwing snow at me. I’m trying to find a way to go home at this point. But I don’t know how and we end up walking under this bridge and he makes this joke about how if he killed me no one would find my body cause the snow was so high. I just laugh and keep walking with him until he decided he wanted to go home and offered to walk me home. I didn’t know what to do, so he walked me to my front door and gave me this too long hug.

I told my sister about the date and I sad to say at the time I thought nothing was wrong with what he did. I don’t know if this makes sense but it was only until she told me how creepy and messed up the death joke was that I realized how messed up it was. Like who the hell makes a joke like that! And the worst thing was I was considering going on another date with him.

I’m not expecting anyone to respond to this I just needed to get it off my chest. It’s been month but I still think about it