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The original was posted on /r/minimalism by /u/vzvzt on 2023-10-07 05:41:18.

Long story short, I was widowed. We already had a lot of stuff when he passed, and the only way people know how to show love and support is with material objects so, mostly because for our children, we have amassed a tremendous amount of stuff on top of what we already do owned. I am cleaning non-stop, it’s cluttered everywhere, and I want at least 60% of it gone. I’m completely overwhelmed and I’ve been trying for months to get things sorted into donating to women’s shelters, donating to Goodwill, and etc. It’s a difficult process because my kids are small, they’re always with me, and I can’t keep their hands out of what I’m doing. Things just keep piling up and I just want to throw it away. Can I do that? Old jewelry, toys, etc? I know it sounds terrible but I’m reaching my wits end…