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The original was posted on /r/nostupidquestions by /u/One-Ad3160 on 2023-10-07 15:58:24.

My teacher used to be very angry all the time. She always had a tensed face and would keep a ruler with her. This was to hit students who could not remember things she had taught. At times she would burst out in anger and start yelling. She would talk like a dictator, not wanting anyone other than herself to talk.

For me she set an example of how not to be around people. If I get angry I sometimes remember how I felt when she used to yell, and so I calm myself down.

So why do we get carried away by our emotions? Anger, hatred and jealousy has always worked against us. No situation has been solved by anger, and it even creates bad health for the person who is angry.

This quote by Sadh-guru sums it all ~”As long as there is anger, irritation, hatred, jealousy, and intolerance in you, you are like a bomb, ready to explode anytime.”

Who all have experienced such people who are like ticking time bombs, just ready to get angry at any moment?