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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Purple-Storm9085 on 2023-10-07 15:22:27.

AITA for refusing to end my friendship with my best friend?

When I (17F) was 6 years old a family moved into my grandma’s apartment building. The family was composed of the mom Layla and her two children Jacob (8M) and Emily (5F) .

My grandma has always been a friendly woman and from the moment that this family arrived, she started to talk to them to make sure they were doing good, since Layla was a single mother.

Over time, Layla and my grandma became friends and one day my grandma introduced me to them. In order to make the story shorter let’s just say that Emily, Jacob, my brother and I became really close and we would do a lot of things together. I would always be over at their house, we would do sleep overs, be at each other´s birthday party´s and such. It got to the point that Emily became my best friend.

Here’s the thing, even though my grandma became friends with Layla, she started to notice some things that she didn’t like. Layla would go on vacation alone and would leave her kids alone (at a very young age, which they couldn’t take proper care of themselves), she would not feed them, making them figure out meals for themselves and she would sometimes take her kids in the middle of school to go on a vacation.

My grandma felt sorry for the kids and would always cook and care for them. For a while, when I was about 10, Layla hired my grandma to make her children’s meals and my grandma only took the job because she knew that they would not eat if she wasn’t the one feeding them.

Because of Layla´s neglect of the kids, they always liked my grandma more than their mom and they even call their grandma to this day. Because of that, Layla got jealous of my grandma and started to distance herself from her.

About five years ago the family moved to another apartment building and some of Layla´s family members (a couple) moved into her old apartment. My grandma grew closer to the couple too and they are always having dinner, going on day trips and seem like they honestly care about my grandma.

One day they invited my grandma to dinner and told her everything that Layla had been plotting over the years. They said that Layla had been buttering my grandma so that she would take care of her kids and one day she could leave the kids with her and never return. My grandma was shocked that she would do something like that to her own children, but again, it was Layla. But what really shocked her was that she was also plotting to steal my grandma´s money and flee the country with it. That was the final straw for my grandma. She called Layla, who denied it at first but then started to say how hard it is to be a mom to her disrespectful children that dont listen and don’t want anything to do with her. My grandma told her that they didn’t like her because she never cared enough about them to feed them or give them love and then hung up.

Here’s the thing, Emily and Jacob are the sweetest and most respectful people I know. They thank you a million times if you do the smallest thing for them and they always shower you with love everytime they see you. But they do not love their mom, she never showed them love so now they decided not to give it to her either.

So now we get to the part where people think I’m an asshole. My parents and my brother are telling me and my grandma that we cannot spend time with any of Layla´s family members, including Emily. But Emily has been my best friend for years and my only friend for a big part of that time. I´m autistic and have a difficult time with social interactions, but Emily is the most social person I know and she has always helped me with social anxiety and with making new friends. I also don’t think that it’s fair that we punish Emily and Jacob by taking away the only family they have left. They see my family as their family, my grandma as theirs too, my parents as uncle and aunt, my brother and I as cousins, I don’t think that it’s fair to take that from them because of what a mother that they don’t want to be affiliated with has done.

My grandma doesn’t want to stop seeing Jacob, Emily or the couple that lives in her building, but my parents are pressing her, saying that she isn’t that young and might not realise when she has fallen into a scheme. My grandma had my dad when she was young so she is quite young for a grandma, so I don’t think that that would be a problem. She is also not dumb, and she has realised when Layla tried to trick her in other aspects over the years.

They also want me to stop hanging out with Emily, but I am not cutting ties with my best friend because it’s not her fault.

AITA for refusing to end my relationship with my best friend?