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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/SpeksofKiwi on 2023-10-07 20:35:32.

My husband (26m) and I (21f) have had a very bumpy relationship with my parents since we’ve been together. We got married back in April and are currently expecting our first child (I’m 4 months pregnant). I have gone minimal contact with my family but hadn’t cut them off completely, we updated them on my health, on the baby and tried our best to mend things so we could all be a “happy family”.

This all changed this past Wednesday, I was talking to one of my family members and had mentioned some of the things that weren’t really sitting right with me. My mother had said once I had the baby I should stay with them for the first two weeks while I recover, my husband and I discussed it but I could t get over them saying “you and the baby” excluding my husband. I asked my family member if I was being paranoid and overthinking and that’s when everything came out. My family member had informed me of my parents plans for me and the baby.

They have made it very clear to everyone in our family that my husband is NOT welcomed in their home, nor their family. My family member also told me that they had hoped that I would “wake up” and realize that I didn’t love my husband and divorce/leave him and go back to my parents. Needless to say I was livid and heartbroken hearing this, but the final straw was for me was when I found out that that had sent my older brother to drive around and figure out where I lived.

My husband and I moved across town and never told anyone in my family where we moved or our address because I didn’t feel safe and it’s them knowing. My father had threatened my husband when we first got engaged/married and I felt safer then not knowing. I felt so violated when I found out.

When my husband got home that evening I told him everything, I told him I was done with my parents and I was going to block them. He told me he would support my decision but thought it would be best that he text my dad and let him know the decision I made so they wouldn’t panic if they couldn’t get ahold of me. He texted my father and told him that I had blocked them and that we knew everything they had done/been planning, my father responded saying he didn’t know what my husband meant. My husband told him we knew he sent my brother out to our area, found our house and sent a picture to my parents and that they are continuing to hurt me with their actions. After that, we didn’t get a response.

After about 20 minutes someone started banging on our door, we originally thought it was our neighbor so my husband went to go get the door and I stayed in our room. When he opened the door I heard my mother yelling at him saying she needed to check on me, she needs to see me, and demanding to talk to me or else. My husband told them calmly that they needed to leave or he would call the police, my mother then yelled she was going to call the police and tell them he was beating me and holding me hostage.

My husband closed the door locking it and called 911, my mother then began walking around our house yelling and knocking on all our windows. My husband went back outside and told them the police were coming and they needed to leave but they refused. My mother was yelling and accusing my husband of controlling me and hurting me, the police got there and came inside and spoke with me. I told them I was fine, I just didn’t want to see or speak with them but the recommended that I go and tell them to leave because it might help de-escalate the situation.

My parents were still admit that my husband was beating me and told the police he sent a threatening text saying he was hurting me (which was false) and that they knew he was hurting me. We finally got them to leave and thought that would be the end of it. Two days later, my half brother showed up unannounced and asked to talk. My husband had answered the door so they sat on our porch and talked, I couldn’t hear their conversation but I could see my half brother recording but things seemed calm. I was doing laundry when I heard the front door open and my husband yell to call 911 and my father in law, I ran out and saw my half brother with my husband in a chokehold so I ran to the back of the room and called 911. My husband was able to get him out and he left a few minutes after. The police came took our statements and asked if we wanted to press charges? My husband said yes because he had been assaulted and they sent an investigator out. While waiting for the investigator my half brother called and texted both of us saying everyone makes mistakes, they’re both imperfect and hopes he doesn’t take it personally.

There is now a warrant out for my half brothers arrest and we’re waiting ro here back from the sheriffs office. Throughout all of this though, I’ve had family reach out and tell me that we are taking things to the extreme and need to drop the charges on my brother because we’re “family after all”. AITA?