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The original was posted on /r/twobestfriendsplay by /u/BiMikethefirst on 2023-10-07 18:04:38.

I like Blue Bettle, I like Jaime, I like his one-off and early comic runs, I like him in Young Justice, and I like him in Batman Brave And The Bold.

But I could not be less interested in the Blue Bettle movie, I don’t think it will be bad but I just don’t want to sit through another superhero origin movie where the first third is the characters home life then getting their powers then needing to learn how to use their powers while falling on their bottom while they and people around them scream.

I think if this movie came out ten or even five years earlier, I’d be super interested but now after so much superhero media I’m not super interested in superhero media that wastes time on them getting their powers.