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The original was posted on /r/twobestfriendsplay by /u/Warm-Significance810 on 2023-10-07 23:01:12.

Title is a bit of a mess but I’m talking about times when an old character is replaced by a new character to do a new storyline but the old character sticks around either due to popularity or something else like in Yakuza. Yakuza 6 tried to end Kiryu’s story by leaving the dojo clan to dojima, majima, and saejima, and showing haruka happy with her new family allowing Kiryu to finally leave behind the yakuza lifestyle. This allowed the yakuza studio to introduce Ichiban as the new lead.

Unfortunately for them, one year after Yakuza 6 released, yakuza 0 released in the west and people loved it. People wanted more and the studio gave them all 6 yakuza games. The problem was that as more and more people fell in love with the games, they also fell in love with kiryu. So in a span of 3 years, kiryu went from unknown niche MC to one of Sega’s most popular characters.

Now the studio had to somehow introduce a new MC while people were begging for more kiryu. So now they brought him back as a side character with a new storyline despite his story ending on him escaping the underbelly of the world and even gave him a new spinoff. Just found it kinda funny how they’re trying to market Ichiban as the new face of Yakuza while still saying that Kiryu is still here and plays prominent part in the yakuza story despite trying to write him off.