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The original was posted on /r/twobestfriendsplay by /u/Wonder-Lad on 2023-10-08 00:18:34.

I’ve been reading a lot Batman comics recently and somewhere in the middle of the 70’s it suddenly hit me. You know those stupid moves Batman pulls in the Arkham games when he’s in focus flow? He jumps between targets, does backflips and levitates through the air to hit motherfuckers that are 10 feet away. If you’ve seen it you know. It looks really fucking silly and uncanny.

Batman wouldn’t fight like that. He does kung fu and shit. Very orthodox and graceful movment, right? WRONG!

That’s exactly how he fights in the comics. He pulls moves that make no sense whatsoever. Some straight up KAPOW Adam West shit. Doing running dive kicks. Hitting three people at the same time by doing a flip kick. Punching with both fists etc. It’s like he has combined gymnastics with martial arts. That’s what makes him such a freaky opponent. His movment looks unreal.

Now that I’ve realized this I’ve gained more appritiation for Arkham combat for taking inspiration from the comics.