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The original was posted on /r/twobestfriendsplay by /u/NearATomatotato on 2023-10-08 02:36:06.

So… Babylon’s Fall ended service before even hitting that 1 year anniversary.

I couldn’t play any video games during the time it was active due to personal reasons, so I was super bummed when the game closed forever.

Squeenix didn’t even leave it in a state that was playable offline. At least Avengers is still playable for anyone who bought the game, so I enjoyed it from start to finish for what it was.

Looked up if there was a private server or anything for Babylon’s fall, but nope. Literally nothing. No news or anything in the last months after its EOS. Just completely dead and gone and forgotten.

Do you guys also have an obscure(I guess it’s obscure now?) game that you wanted to play, but never got to/will never get to ever again because they’ve been deleted forever?