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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/maryisakitty on 2023-10-08 01:04:00.

Hello- I need opinions on a situation.

First, My (28F) and my boyfriends (27M) housemate Claire (20F) has had her boyfriend Pete (20M) staying over every night for the last couple of weeks. We want to try and bring this up with her without being assholes as we think he should pay rent/towards household expenses. Would we be assholes for asking this? Our bills have significantly increased since he’s been staying with us, and we would be asking him to contribute $50 a fortnight towards this.

Second- today said housemate and boyfriend brought home a German shepherd puppy without asking us first. Literally found out after hearing the puppy barking in her room. I was confronted about it whilst my boyfriend was napping upstairs and was told it was only temporary as they were “asked to take the puppy for two weeks for a friend” but the puppy is 10 weeks old and I’m not sure how legit this story is.

Because I was put on the spot and told about this after she brought the puppy home, I was super nice, but did bring up immediate concerns - we have a French bulldog and a cat already. They’re both 5 years old and we’ll trained/used to each other, however I don’t ont want to risk either of them getting hurt or stressed. Both her and her boyfriend work full time and are not home Monday-Friday from 8am til 5pm. I work from home 3 days a week and I worry the puppy would become my responsibility during the week.

Claire has said she will keep the puppy in her room and just take her out a few times during the day, but hasn’t mentioned what will happen whilst she’s at work. I am also concerned about the puppy damaging her room and our bond being affected because of this. We also have an inspection in two weeks and the extra dog and extra person would be noticed- as we haven’t asked permission for them to be here we worry about getting evicted over this. Claire has assured us that it is only for two weeks and the puppy will be gone before the inspection, but she also hasn’t really provided any details about why she’s “dog sitting” her friends 10 week old puppy.

My boyfriend wants to tell our housemates to get someone else to take care of the puppy, and is very concerned that Claire has not thought this through. How do we go about bringing this up without being dicks? Thanks in advance, it’s been stressful.