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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/Economy-Flow8762 on 2023-10-08 05:40:04.

I (20F) lost my parents in a car accident almost 2 weeks ago . I have a little sister (10F) who is now in my custody. Yesterday my uncle (40 M) came to me telling me that my little sister would be better off in the familiarity of a two parent household which he and my aunt (about 40 F???) could provide. I’ll admit my first thought was hell no but I kept my composure and I told him I didn’t think it was a good idea. He then told me that I was in no position to take care of and raise a ten-year-old and that this way I can finish school and not have to worry about my little sister. I reiterated that it wasn’t a good idea and that there was a reason my parents left my little sister in my care (it was specified in their will). He threatened to fight me for custody and that’s when I went off. I told him for f*** off and that if he wanted to waste money on lawyers for a judge to ask my sister what she wants then to go ahead. I also told him his lying cheating self had no business fighting for custody of a niece be barely sees. I also threatened to bring up all the family drama if he tried to fight me for custody and that if he wanted something to spend money on then to get his sugar baby pregnant.

Anyway my grandma told me I overreacted and that he was just concerned so now I am wondering if I was an asshole.

Also some more context:

  • My parents were good with their finances and so now my little sister and I have a good amount of money to live off of while I finish school (I have a year left) and get a job.
  • Because of our age difference I was extremely parentified, and so my little sister is very attached to me. I am in the military as well (National Guard) so when I went away for training it was very hard for her. With everything that’s happened and out current situation she is more attached than ever. I am 100% sure that if a judge asked her what she wanted she would say she wanted to stay with me. She even told me once that I couldn’t move away and if I did I would have to take her with me because “what would I do without my big sissy?”.

Anyway please let me know if I am the asshole and if I should be worried. I already lost my parents I can’t lose my little sister too.