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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/loveisembarrassing3 on 2023-10-08 01:00:46.

Recently, I have been really busy with school so I haven’t spent much time with my boyfriend.

Well today rolls around and I decide to call him (currently long distance because of college). And everything is normal we are laughing and hanging.

Until he decides to ask me a question, about how I envisioned my dream life. I thought this was a bit funny because he knows, so I told him graduate, find myself a secure job, marry him and have kids (like we have always talked about). When I ask him the same question, all he mentioned was expanding his career (he currently quit his job as an electrician to learn programming) with no mention of me at all. And then he started talking about how he kind of doesn’t want kids until he is in his late thirties. Which was kind of odd because we always agreed and had a plan that after I graduate I will move with him and we will start developing our life and family. But he said making such a big career switch made him realize more stuff in his life he wanted and having kids wasn’t really one of them. Which is valid and completely okay, but having kids is a bit of a huge deal breaking for me.

So we went into this long conversation and ultimately realized we wanted the best for each other and wanted both of us to be happy so we broke it off. Truly, I don’t want to force him into a life he doesn’t want, nor do I want to force myself. We agreed to be friends, still love each other, the whole jist right.

I was obviously crying and upset afterward until I realized my birthday is tomorrow. Then, idk I got kind of angry because he knew that (he has been counting down the days) and he decides to bring about his whole new view on life before my birthday? Idk just wish he chose any other day, but i guess its good he didn’t do it on my birthday.

Lmao just a bit pissed. 4 yrs down the drain and I’ll always be reminded a day before my birthday. 🎉