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The original was posted on /r/twohottakes by /u/WonderfulQuestion545 on 2023-10-08 04:40:58.

My (24F) sisters (13F) birthday just passed and I missed it. My mother (46F) was in charge of planning and hosting her party. She decided to have her party at a restaurant since that’s what my sister wanted

Since me and my mother both worked that day the party was set to start either in the late afternoon or early evening. When it came close to the time for me to get off work I called her and asked her what time the party was supposed to start and she said she didn’t know. She told me to just get to her house before she did. I asked her what time she got off work and what time she was supposed to be home and she said she didn’t know. To every question that I asked her the response was “I don’t know”

When I got off work I went home to change and started heading over to her house. I called her to let her know that I was on my way and she told me that they were about to leave the restaurant already. I was obviously pissed and my sister was upset because I wasn’t there. She mentioned that she told me to be at the house before she got there. I mentioned that I asked her when she was getting off work and when she’d be home and all she kept saying was “I don’t know”. She said “Well I didn’t know” and then I asked her “Well don’t you think that’s something that you’re supposed to figure out beforehand? Especially when you’re planning something that’s supposed to involve everyone?” she didn’t have an answer

So am I overthinking or did my mother purposely make me miss my sister’s birthday?