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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/IAmAVerySadJack on 2023-07-06 05:35:10+00:00.

My name is Jonathan Hawthorne, and I’ve always been fascinated by abandoned places. The thrill of exploring forgotten spaces filled my veins with excitement, and it led me to an old, dilapidated mansion hidden deep within the woods. Little did I know that my curiosity would lead me to a chilling encounter that would forever haunt me.

The address of the house was 43 Willowwood Lane, a hauntingly remote location that seemed to have been erased from the collective memory. Its faded grandeur stood as a silent testament to forgotten stories and lost souls.

As I stepped across the mansion’s threshold, a sense of unease washed over me. The air was stale, and the floorboards creaked beneath my weight. Ignoring the eerie atmosphere, I ventured deeper into the house, eager to uncover its hidden secrets.

In a dimly lit hallway, I stumbled upon a locked door. Determined to uncover its contents, I searched for a key but found none. Undeterred, I decided to force the door open, driven by an insatiable curiosity.

Inside, I discovered a room frozen in time. The walls were adorned with faded wallpaper, and dusty furniture sat untouched for years. But what caught my attention was a peculiar antique mirror standing tall in the corner.

As I approached the mirror, my reflection seemed distorted, almost twisted. I reached out to touch it, and a shiver ran down my spine. The mirror’s surface felt unnaturally cold, as if it possessed a dark presence of its own.

When I glanced into its depths, a jolt of horror coursed through me. My reflection was no longer my own. It sneered at me with malevolence, its eyes filled with malice. I tried to step back, but an unseen force held me in place.

Whispers echoed from within the mirror, in a language I couldn’t comprehend. The air grew heavy, suffocating, as if the room itself had turned against me. Panic consumed me, but escape was futile.

Days turned into a sleepless haze as the mirror’s hold on me intensified. Its whispers seeped into my mind, filling it with darkness and despair. I could no longer trust my own thoughts, for they were tainted by the malevolent force within the mirror.

In a desperate attempt to break free, I sought help from a renowned paranormal expert. Together, we returned to the mansion, armed with ancient rituals and protective talismans. But our efforts proved fruitless. The mirror’s power was far greater than anything we could comprehend.

And now, as I write this, I am trapped in that forgotten room, my sanity hanging by a thread. The whispers have taken over my mind, and the mirror’s influence consumes me. I am a mere puppet, dancing to its sinister tune.

If you ever stumble upon 43 Willowwood Lane, heed my warning: beware the forgotten room and the cursed mirror within. For once it captures your reflection, it will claim your soul, leaving you forever trapped in a nightmarish existence between realms. But perhaps, by sharing my story, I can warn others and bring an end to the cycle of torment that plagues that cursed place.

Days turned into weeks, and the grip of the mirror’s influence grew tighter. My mind was no longer my own; it was consumed by the malevolent whispers that echoed through the room. Sleep became a distant memory as I teetered on the edge of sanity.

But even in the darkest of circumstances, a glimmer of hope can emerge. In my relentless pursuit of a way out, I stumbled upon a passage hidden behind a decrepit bookshelf. It led to a forgotten attic, filled with dusty relics and forgotten memories.

In that attic, I discovered an ancient journal, its pages brittle and yellowed with time. Its author, a previous resident of the mansion, had faced a similar fate. With bated breath, I devoured the words inscribed on those pages, searching for a solution—a way to break free from the mirror’s clutches.

The journal spoke of a ritual, a desperate attempt to sever the ties that bound the cursed mirror to the mortal realm. It detailed the steps required to banish the malevolent spirit and release those trapped within its grasp.

With renewed determination, I followed the instructions meticulously, gathering the necessary items and performing the ritual in the forgotten room. The air crackled with energy as the incantations echoed through the once-quiet space. It was a battle of wills—a fight for my very existence.

And then, in an instant, the mirror shattered.

The room trembled with the release of a powerful force. The malevolent presence, held captive for far too long, dissipated into the ether. I collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath, as the weight of the torment lifted from my weary soul.

In the aftermath of my escape, I felt a profound sense of relief. But I also felt a duty to share my harrowing experience, to warn others and shed light on the darkness that lay within that forgotten room. I hoped that my words would reach those who might be drawn to that cursed mansion, that they would listen and heed my cautionary tale.

So, dear reader, if ever you find yourself drawn to the mystery of abandoned places, let my tale serve as a reminder. Be wary of the forgotten room and the cursed mirror within. And should you come across the haunting address of 43 Willowwood Lane, turn away, for the terrors that lie within are not worth the price of curiosity. May this message reach far and wide, and may it serve as a beacon of caution and protection for those who might stumble upon the same malevolent fate.