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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Death_Race999 on 2023-07-06 08:19:41+00:00.

Part 1

I am sorry for taking so long to reply back. I had quite a handful to work with these past days. First, the patient I spoke about last time, had sadly passed. His heart could no longer take the daily doses of injections that the doctors had subjected his body to. Sad of course but we are not allowed to form a bond with the patients, again, company policy. However, level 3 had been closed off for those who are under their 6 month training period which I had found quite odd. Screams and shouts can be heard often from there, absolute blood curdling screams of pure agony. However, the trainees should know better than to ask. Not that one could get any reply from the staff that was working there. A recent development is also that doctors do not come down to the lower 2 levels anymore, the entire force is focused on the 3rd level. The doctors have even a separate break area in a wholly new wing now. There have been whispers around my colleagues and I, however, nobody dares to question what is happening there or perhaps they are too scared to speak up….WoodFowler is a very powerful corporation after all. Without being sidetracked, I have to share some recent developments in my search. With the help of a senior nurse, I was granted access to some files, patient files; however, I was able to steal a key to a door that separated the archive of the patients from those of the staff. The atmosphere was very tense. The air inside the staff files’ room felt heavier. That or it was simply my guilt for going against company policy.

Regardless…I had looked for S as I was curious about the doctor shouted by the patient. ‘S…S….S….Schabbs…this perhaps may be him.’ I thought to myself. I opened the file.

Dr. Klaus von Schabbs. DoB: 17th January 1920

Dr. Klaus von Schabbs was a Senior Doctor and Head of Neurological Research at WoodFowler Corp from 1955 until his passing in 2010. His legacy at the corporation still lives on through his life long project research efforts into the better understanding of brain chemistry and degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. We have been very honoured to have him on board to ground the majestic ship that our company is today.

It seemed fairly tame so far. Perhaps, the patient was simply out of his mind? Was I paranoid? Was this just me being out of my depth? We work with people whose mental health is in critical condition so of course they would scream…right? As I was about to close the file, a manila envelope fell out. The envelope had typed in big, bold, red, letters CONFIDENTIAL. I was intrigued. I had broken a bunch of rules already so I might as well dive in deeper.

Background: Dr Schabbs was involved in a bunch of experiments in WW2 at various concentration camps across Europe such as Dachau and Auschwitz. The German Government was aiding his efforts into a research for a mind numbness technique that could make soldiers stronger, more focused and more willing to respect and execute orders given to them. The specifics of Dr Schabbs’ research are preserved in the Grand Library at our HQ.

I was starting to feel sick. ‘Did we really allow these kinds of people to come into America and join our hospitals!?’ I needed a minute to recollect. This man was dead. Yet a recent patient recalled his name? That patient was admitted long after the doctor’s death… I have to get out of this archive room.


Some time has passed and now I am finally past my 6 month training period. I am now fully qualified to enter the 3rd floor. Apprehensive but curious, I am ready. I clocked in to work when I was approached by two doctors dressed in impeccable white lab coats and 6 security guards. Circling me around. I felt my heart beat against my chest, my mouth was dry and I was trembling. Have they found out about me snooping in the staff files? Are they going to do something to me?

My intense storm of thoughts was interrupted by one of the doctors who spoke in a firm, emotionless voice: ‘Please follow us.’ I obliged with their request. We had gone into a back room. It was dark, cold and dimly lit by one single light bulb in the centre of the room. Underneath it lay a dark table with a massive stack of paper. I was sat down at the table while the doctors stood up, seeming more frightening with their height advantage and cold emotionless voice.

‘Miss Cole, This is an act drafted by WoodFowler Corporation’s lawyers that all employees past their 6 months of training must sign to receive their enhanced security clearance. Your cooperation is very important for the company and for the future of your career. In this act, you will agree that no secrets of the inner workings of our network will be revealed to your lower security level friends or your family or anyone else that is not a Doctor, Executive or Specialised Security. Do you understand? If you do, sign this document.’

I was shaking. I was scared. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Was it a trap? Were they on to me? What was going on? Sheepishly, I grabbed the pen and signed the document. Shortly after, I was handed in a new badge and let go on my way to the 3rd floor with no other words spoken by either the doctors or the guards.

I pressed my badge against the lift’s scanner and I was able to press on the level 3 button. I tried to steady my breath and get ready for what the day would bring. It already had a rocky start so I will have to see how things will be but for now, I was in unknown territory with knowledge about the company that I wasn’t so sure I wanted to know looking back on it. As the doors opened, it was like I entered a new world. The floor was immaculate, coated with a sterile white that held a firm grip across the ward. I didn’t have enough time to admire the ward however as the alarm went off as a patient residing in room number 5 needed help. A senior doctor shouted at me to join him and 2 other senior nurses to the call. I proceeded to follow them.

When we arrived, I had to cover my nose with my hand. A putrid stench the likes which you have never smelt before came from that….the person was unrecognisable. His face was mutilated beyond any comprehension, out of his chest he had a massive blob that seemed like it was leaking pus. His body was shaking uncontrollably and his heart rate was through the roof. He was also screaming. He was so loud. It was painful. His screech made the doctor hand out ear plugs after one of the nurses fainted from the screech. This thing was not human. Not anymore.

After a hard battle, we were able to stabilise the patient. Someone had to look after him. As no senior nurse was going to do it, they passed it onto the new nurse, me. It was 3:45 am when the patient woke up. He started to force himself out of the restraints. I made the horrible mistake of approaching him. He seemed like he was calming down, now that he saw there was somebody else with him there. I turned away after I made sure that he was asleep and then he grabbed my arm. I admit that I had screamed at the top of my lungs when that happened. However, the patient was calm.

‘Shhh. You don’t want to anger them.’ He said.

‘Anger who?’ I replied.

‘The doctors of course.’ He replied giving a forced laugh of pity. ‘This place isn’t what it seems, little one…I was like you, The staff. I was a doctor but that seems like a lifetime ago.’ He finished with a cough that made it seem like his lungs were going to fall out through his mouth.

‘One wrong step and you will be here. Unless you are an Executive, CEO, Head Scientist or a shareholder….you are just fresh meat for them. LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO ME!’

I was taken aback, my heart beating fast as he forced himself upright, breaking the blob on his chest making pus leak everywhere. He then looked me in the eyes. His eyes were so bloodshot that they appeared like two red small hole openings in his face.

‘Project Wunder. Please.’ He said with a final breath as he fell back down on his bed flat lining. We had a DNR policy for our patients so I was not allowed to do anything but notify my Ward manager in the morning and seal off the room until then. I sealed the room and then I ran to the bathroom, puking my lunch and dinner out. Fear and confusion was gripping me like I was a simple toy, my vision became blurry. I didn’t know what to do. What is this place? Are they going to kill me? What is Project Wunder?!