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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/eclectic_galaxy on 2023-10-09 18:56:43.

A real fuck up that happened today.

Backstory: My husband and I recently picked up a starving puppy off the streets. We named him Beps. Puppy tax! When we got Beps, his bones were showing but his tummy was extremely bloated. We took him to the vet to have him checked out and then got him some meds for his anemia and to help him recover some body weight.

We took him to the vet every Monday for two weeks. No issues so far, except us finding the occasional worm in his poop. Both vet visits they gave him some deworming liquid because he was too little for deworming pills. Three weeks in he is livelier and weightier than before, but we are still finding worms in his poop.

Tfu begins: Today the vet decided it was time to give him deworming pills. Or half of it. He’s is now 2.97 lbs as compared to his initial 1.5 lbs.

Took him home and, around lunch time, got him his food. He ate really fast and was dry heaving moments later. Vomited up a bit of his food and tried to eat it back. I cleaned up his vomit and kept an eye on him. Did a little googling and found that sometimes deworming pills can cause nausea, so I worried a little less but still vigilant on his demeanor. He pooped twice and the second time was a bit runny. OK, google also said it might also cause diarrhea, so I guess this is expected. He’s back to running around after so I’m thinking he is fine.

Around 2pm and I needed to sleep. I work the nightshift and I am trying to get some reasonable sleep in before the start of the work week. Checked Beps again and he seems fine. Napping by my feet. I took him to his crate and we went to get some shut eye. All seem right in the world.

Except when we woke up. And saw he was covered in his shit. His entire crate was covered in his poop. Maybe he cried when we slept and didn’t wake up, but he was quiet in his crate when we did.

Holy crap it was a lot of crap. His bed, his toys and smeared with his crap. I hurriedly got him out to give him a bath and my husband went to clean out his crate. Only to discover there were a lot of worms mixed in with his crap. Poop and worms all around his crate. It was a disgusting shitty mess. It took an hour to clean. I tried my best not to gag. My husband was stone-faced throughout the cleaning. Beps’ bed and toys are still soaking in soap. I was almost late to work. And while was panicking trying to get ready this little bastard was getting in between my feet and tripping me up, trying to play. Guess he felt better now that he is clean. I have no idea if he tried to eat his poop while in there, I’m trying not to think about it.

TLDR: Went to sleep while puppy was fresh after taking a deworming pill. Woke up to a puppy covered in his own wormy feces. Clean up was a nightmare, but puppy is fine and running around after.