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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/LifeguardGrouchy9856 on 2023-07-06 10:16:09+00:00.

I (21f) have an older sister (26f) who is sick all of the time, gets a bunch of rashes, and is complaining about how she constantly feels like sh*t.

She was also diagnosed with an auto immune disease about a year ago, hashimotos disease I think? And has ever since been blaming literally every single one of her issues on her auto immune disease. Even if the issue is completely irrelevant. She stubbed her toe? It’s because of her disease. She’s late to an event? It’s because of her disease. She doesn’t feel well? It’s because of her disease. Doctors told her she’s probably had this her entire life.

But she also 5 years ago got breast implants. And ever since then was when she said she started feeling so sick and horrible all of the time. If y’all don’t know, breast implant illness is a real thing. It’s very common where women who get breast implants will start feeling sick after getting them.

Now yesterday we had some other family over at our house because they were in town for a bit and my sister is doing her usual complaining about how horrible she feels all the time and how it’s because of her auto immune disease. I just got fed up with her complaining and told her that her being sick all of the time and feeling horrible is because of her breast implants. Because she didn’t start feeling that way until after she got them.

Now she didn’t like that I said that at all and started screaming at me that “you don’t know what the f*ck you’re talking about, you’re just trying to make this all about you.” And so on. Me and her went back and forth for a minute until our mother stepped in the room and heard what was going on and pulled me into the other room with her and told me I was an AH for saying that because “you don’t know your sister better than she knows herself” and “you exposed and embarrassed her in front of family.” (Family members visiting didn’t know she had breast implants, my sister kept it very much on the down low to everyone about getting breast implants) so yes I see how I might’ve embarrassed her, but truth was gonna come out anyways.

I really don’t think what I did was wrong at all, because I think it’s pretty obvious, this is breast implant illness! So help me out here Reddit, am I the AH?