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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Sea-Long8438 on 2023-07-06 05:55:11+00:00.

I (29f) went to my cousin’s wedding as a guest (not a bridesmaid or anything of distinction). We’re not that close, but I do like him and his now wife.

The wedding was wonderful, with one hiccup. We have another cousin Jonathan (30s) who is…weird. He disappeared off the map for a couple years and randomly showed back up one day with no explanation as to where he’d been - it’s the great mystery of our family. He’s also exceptionally difficult to converse with; very shifty eyed and cold and vague.

So, me, my brothers, and some other cousins including Jonathan were fairly drunk and dancing about. Jonathan had pointed to a woman across the room and asked my brother if she was single. My brother said, dude, that’s our cousin…? It didn’t immediately strike us as weird as he’d been gone for many years so maybe didn’t recognise her as she’s grown quite a bit (now early 20s). But he persisted and said, oh, that’s Jessica…do you know if she’s single? I’m now majorly uncomfortable. He was making advances towards her and all my alarm bells were ringing. I intercepted and pulled Jonathan aside and told him he needed to leave. He argued. I said do not make a scene, leave quietly or I will get security. Alas, I had to get security.

The security was very professional and discreet, but Jonathan made a scene nonetheless which tipped off the bride and groom. Both of them asked me what happened and I explained the whole thing with my brother’s corroboration. They confirmed to security that he needed to leave, but after he was gone, they argued with me for doing that without their permission, saying “it’s not my wedding, not my call”. I basically said I don’t care whose wedding it is, I’m not standing by and watching my young cousin get SH’d by her own cousin. Also said I thought I was doing them a favour by dealing with the ugly stuff so they didn’t have to be interrupted from their day. They said that’s what the bridal party is for.

They’re holding steadfast that I was out of line and have no wedding guest decorum. AITA for arranging to have him kicked out when it wasn’t my wedding?

Edited to format paragraph breaks.