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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Apx_Icarus on 2023-07-06 13:35:50+00:00.

AITA for being upset about me and my two brothers inheritance situation?

So my father recently passed away and my mother has dropped the bombshell that our sister (39) will be taking the family home and myself and my two brothers (30) and (38) will be bought out with £40,000 each.

Now I’m not oblivious to the fact that it’s a lot of money, but for context the family home is a modified bungalow in a desirable part of the countryside in the north of Ireland. Its worth at least £300k+ in todays market.

3 years ago my father told me that he would like me to have the house and to buy the siblings out because I’ve had nonstop health issues and multiple life changing surgeries by the time I was 21 and I’m 28 now and have had more surgeries since resulting in multiple hernias and overall a daily struggle with pain. He wanted me to have the house because of all his children I have the worst chance at a decent life and will likely have to quit working before I’m 50. My mother at the time shot him down and said its unfair on the other 3 kids and it shouldn’t go to one child.

Now here we are, my sister is on the will for owning the house and she’ll get a £300k+ countryside house for a £120k mortgage which is basically for nothing, and her partner owns his own home in a local town.

Are we the assholes for being upset that we get 40k each while my sister who’s partner owns a home and is a year away from being fully paid gets our family home instead of selling the house and splitting it 4 ways?

Also sister and her boyfriend are self employed and bankrupt, working for cash in hand mainly, very little through their accounts. This will likely result in no bank giving them a £120k mortgage which they have 3 years to obtain, and nothing written in the will stipulating the repercussions if unable to obtain the mortgage.

My mother feels she has done right by us, and can’t understand why we aren’t taking it well and just brushes off the fact that a year before she signed the will to my sister she told me that it would be unfair for me to get the house despite being disabled and having no partner who already owns a home, I’m renting at £650 a month and my other 2 brothers both have their own homes and paying a mortgage, so it’s especially hurtful to me even though I wouldn’t want the house and would prefer a even split.

Thanks folks :)